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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  April 18, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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five or six. >> they're on the way to investigate the aftermath of what happened in west with the fertilizer plant, along with a bunch of other federal agencies. right now, we don't know what happened and we will be continuing to follow that story. mike of "in these times" and celeste, former osha analyst. that's all for "all in." rachel maddow now. >> thank you for following up on that. we will have much more on what a's happening in west texas. >> i will go watch. >> thank you for staying with us the next hour. this is a remote controlled car. most remote controlled cars like most everyday electronics that we use, they run on conventional batteries. plug an aaa battery into the hand-set, plug another aaa batteries into the car itself, you're up and running doing
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remote controlled stuff micro-sized. if you happen to get one like i did this year, a couple aaa batteries pretty much does the trick. if you're really into remote controlled cars, if you're a remote controlled vehicle hobbyist, that might not be enough. you might instead use a battery that looks like this, a c sized nickel battery made specifically for things like remote controlled toys and marketed to have a very long cycle life and rapid battery charge-up. this particular battery is a rechargeable battery that can last more than a week when it is fully charged. this is the kind of thing you look for if you want a more high performance experience from your remote control vehicle than you get from the battery you pick up at the supermarket checkout counter. this particular specialist bty made by a company called tenergy, based in california. although there is nothing magic
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about these batteries they sell, they're a little more expensive and specialized and therefore a little harder to find. tenergy doesn't wholesale batteries to big box stars to walmart or best buy. they sell them to specialty battery stores or hobby stores. that limited availability gets to be an important thing, possible national importance, when you consider that this is one of the pictures that the fbi is circulating of one of the two devices that exploded near the finish line of the boston marathon on monday. one of those devices included an especially made tenergy battery, not a yubiquitous battery, you can only buy it in select hobby stores online. tenergy said this week they were appalled one of their batteries was used in this bombing. the main use of this is for
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toys, to give people joy and to see it used in this way is horrifying. they have reached out to the fbi to assist in any way they can with the investigation which presumably could involve providing the fbi a list of which stores in the boston region they sell this particular battery to. today, msnbc news has learned the fbi has been canvassing hobby stores in the boston area to see if any electrical components used were purchased there specifically those tenergy battery batteries and components. that one detail about the battery is one of the ways the investigation into what happened at the boston marathon monday is becoming more and more granular. today, the fbi unveiled what we expected would be pictures of what the fbi wanted to talk with, for the public to help identify persons of interest the fbi wanted to interview. when they called their press
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conference this afternoon, they were much more direct than that. the fbi did not say something like, we would like to talk to these folks. the fbi came right out and said "suspects," these are our main "suspects" in the bombing of the boston marathon. >> today, we are enlisting the public's help to identify the two suspects. after a detailed analysis of video, photo and other evidence, we are releasing photos of these two suspects, identified as suspect one and suspect two. they appear to be associated. suspect one is wearing a dark hat. suspect two is wearing a white hat. suspect two sat down a backpack at the site of the seconds explosion, just in front of the forum restaurant. we strongly encourage these near the restaurant who have not contacted us yet to do so. >> in addition to those pictures that you just saw being released there today, the fbi released
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this surveillance video showing the two suspects moving through the crowd at the marathon on monday. nbc's pete williams reports these two individuals will also now appear on official fbi wanted posters. the fbi had a choice about how they were going to talk about these individuals today. it is a choice that has to be inflected by our recent history of misidentify iing suspects in high profile domestic attacks, attacks like the anthrax attacks in 9/11 and olympic park bombing in 1996. the names and faces that appeared in the press early on in those investigations did not end up being the individuals held responsible for those crimes. given that history, given the fact that news organizations like the "new york post" are already showing an eagerness and shamelessness about publishing jump to conclusion statements about suspects in the boston bombing, information that is wro wrong, we'll have more on that in a minute, given that history
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given what's going on with this intense interest and the media being rather irresponsible about some of these matters, the fbi could have played it safer than they did today, they could have labelled these individuals as persons of interest. they did not do that. they went the whole hog and they are calling them suspects, calling them wanted. is that surprising? do we know enough about how the fbi works to know if that is an important decision that they made? does it indicate more about the investigation than law enforcement is saying explicitly? what happens next? joining us now is don borelly, a 25 year veteran of the fbi once served as assistant special agent in charge of the terrorism task force and now chief operating officer of a group that is a strategic consultancy. thank you for being here. nice to have you back. >> thank you for having me. >> how important and what does it mean for the fbi to call these two men not persons of interest or people they want to talk to but to call them suspects. that is a term of art, is it
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not? >> i think so. you're actually right on that. there has to be a high degree of confidence these individuals are involved in the plot to plant the bombs. otherwise you would have seen softer language and i'm sure there was a lot of discussion whether to release these photographs. you're not accusing them, per se, but you've certainly put the public on this worldwide manhunt to find these guys. so there has to be a high degree of confidence before you're going to walk out on that limb. >> we are told the fbi is already getting names called in, in response to their call for public leads. as you say, this is now a worldwide manhunt for these two men they have identified. what are the next steps that will help them figure out if these calls they're getting are credible? how do they decide what leads to chase and how do they chase them? >> what they'll do is they'll start off by running the names
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of -- in all the databases that are available to the fbi and local law enforcement. so they'll start a triage process. from there, they'll try to get further identification. for example, dates of birth, addresses, things of that nature that will be more positive identifiers. they may try to support those with other kind of records. for example, if they get an address, they may look at utility records to see if that matches up, vehicle records, phone records, all these things. it's a multiple layered approach. it's not going to be just one person calling in on an 800 number. that's the start but then there will be a lot of legwork that goes into it before they finally figure out, is this something that needs to be elevated to the next level or is it going to wash out? >> looking at the video that has been playing on a loop ever since the fbi released it, in your experience, what details in this surveillance video are investigators looking at to try to identify the two men?
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what could be helpful in those pictures? >> it will be difficult. from what i've seen in that small loop. i imagine there's a lot more details than released. one of the things that strikes me, these guys seem pretty calm. seem to not be looking over their shoulder. they don't seem to be overly nervous. to me, that's not a great sign. i hope i'm wrong in that. when i see somebody acting that calm and collected, it suggests they might have had -- i say might, i want to couch this, some type of training. again, that is just an observation from a few seconds of video clip. i wouldn't want to make that bold statement without seeing a lot more. >> it seems like it's th that -- what you just suggested might be possible. it also might be possible it it's not them and the reason
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they don't look nervous, they're not the guys. >> exactly. finding the guys is the first step. you then have to link them to the bombs. that's why all thor of a news of investigation are not sitting still while we're just taking telephone calls on the tip line for possible look-alikes. you mentioned the battery. this is going to be a huge piece of the investigation, forever they can figure out where, you know, who purchased those batteries and try to narrow down the scope from there. really, all other physical evidence, going back to some of the things we were talking about on day one. even the mangled backpack, chances are, you know, they may be able to figure out the make and manufacture and then work backwards on the backpack to see where was that purchased? i know in my experience, when we found a number of backpacks, we able to take and track those to the manufacturer and figure out who ultimately they sold those and then follow that trail
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there. there there's a lot of avenues of investigation that will continue to be pursued. including one of the photographs i believe showed an individual talking on a cell phone. that's a wholer of a new of investigation to look at information trapped in that cell phone tower and try to narrow it down from there. there's a lot of different investigative angles being pursued right now. >> don borelly former fbi and now chief operating officer of the soufan group. thank you for helping us understand what this investigation is about. one of the things that came up earlier during the fbi conference in boston was another huge media failure that took place on this subject again today. after yesterday afternoon, all that wrong reporting from cnn and others that there was a suspect in custody, somebody had been arrested, that was not true at all, after that disaster yesterday, this morning, we all woke up to this being the big front page headline and picture in a tabloid called the "new
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york post". "bag men feds seek these two pictured at boston marathon." the "new york post" splashed across its front page this picture of the gentleman in the backpack and the jacket. the post did not blur out these guys faces we did to put this on the air tonight. those two guys the "post" all but accused of monday's bombing the bag men, these guys had nothing to do with it. but they put them on the front page and called them the "bag men" but the fbi addressed they had nothing to do with the bombing at today's press conference. >> all over the country, including the "new york post" identified two men as potential suspects. i'm wondering what it does to your investigation when things like this get out? >> i think i addressed that. thank you. i think i addressed that
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question in my statement saying the only photos that should be officially relied upon in this investigation is what you see today. >> in other words, these guys the "new york post" put on the front page aren't the guys. the "new york post" published a mi minor update. they didn't blur out the faces we are. they published this update, two men probed in boston marathon bombings cleared by investigators. the post so far not apologized for what they did. all the pictures all but names those two young men as the suspects. they are not the suspects. "abc news" managed to track one of them down today. he is only 17 years old. >> everywhere i go, i just don't want to look at people because when they look at me, they're going to be like, you just did this. how could you do that? why would you even do that? if you look at it, it wasn't me.
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>> this disaster today from the "new york post" comes right after the exact same paper also did this. inaccurately claiming there was a suspect in the bombing who they said confidently was a saudi national. that was not true either. the "new york post" has not apologized for that either. apparently they just do not car care. >> the president and first lady spent the day in boston today meeting with volunteers and first responders, people among the first to arrive on scene after the bombing monday. the president and first lady met with some injured in the attack, people still recovering at local hospitals in boston. the president spoke today at an inter fai interfaith service. >> tom menino spoke and had to push himself out of a wheelchair
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as he's recovering from surgery. >> and president obama brought the families of victims from an emotional and rousing speech. >> i'm here to greet the american people with a simple message. every one of us has been touched by this attack on your beloved city. every one of us stands with you. because, after all, it's our beloved city, too. boston may be your hometown, but we claim it, too. i know this because there's a piece of boston in me. you welcomed me as a young law student across the river. welcomed michelle, too. you welcomed me -- you welcomed me during a convention when i
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was still a state senator and very few people could pronounce my name right. like you, michelle and i have walked these streets. like you, we know these neighborhoods. like you, in this moment of grief, we join you in saying, boston, you're my home. for millions of us, what happened on monday is personal. our prayers are with the injured. so many wounded. some gravely. from their beds, some are surely watching us gather here today. if you are, know this. as you begin this long journey of recovery, your city is with y you, your commonwealth is with you, your country is with you. we will all be with you as you learn to stand and walk and,
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yes, run again, of that i have no doubt you will run again. [ applause [ applause ] >> you will run again. our faith in each other, our love for each other, our love for country. our common creed that cuts across whatever superficial differences there may be, that is our power. that's our strength. that's why a bomb can't beat us. that's why we don't hunker down. that's why we don't cower in fear. we carry on. we race. we strive, we build and we work and we love and we raise our kids to do the same and we come together to celebrate life and
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to walk our cities and to cheer for our teams, when the sox and celtics and patriots or bruins are champions again to the chagrin of new york and chicago fans, the crowds will gather and watch a parade go down boylston street and this time next year and monday in april, the world will return to this great american city to run harder than ever and cheer even louder for that 118th boston marathon. bet on it. >> president obama today in boston. further information about the two men who the fbi are now calling suspects in the boston bombing can be found at we also have links to all the relevant pictures and video at our website. the fbi continues to ask for any
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and all information saying no detail is too small. if you have information to share, they ask you call 1-800-callf 1-800-callfbi. if you call from your cell phone and don't have those numbers on your phone i've handily transcribed them for you. 225-5324. ♪ [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] if you have yet to master the quiet sneeze... [ sneezes ] [ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler.
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as suspects in the boston marathon bombing. it was also what seems to represent a some what dramatic shift in law enforcement's overall understanding of the case. listen. >> within the last day or so, through that careful process, we initially developed a single person of interest, not knowing if the individual was acting alone or in concert with others, we obviously worked with extreme purpose to make that determination. through that process, the fbi developed a second suspect. today, we are listing the public's health to identify the two suspects. >> the two suspects. the fbi does not believe that a lone wolf committed this crime. that is new, as of today. does that suggest anything to investigators beyond changing the numerical nature of their manhunt? what, if anything, do two suspects opposed to one suspect, what does that change about law enforcement's approach to this crime overall? joining us is michael, former
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director of the national terrorism center and works as senior counsel there or a company called technologies. >> from a volunteer perspective and manhunt perspective, what seems circuit to you having two suspects instead of one? >> a couple things. now they're looking for two, they didn't assume it was only two. they will focus on these two but also go into this saying there could be three or four they just don't know that. this will help in a couple ways. one, suggests there's probably communications between these two. if they can figure out how they were communicating, they can help build that case and localize where they were using cell phones with two people. and does raise the possibility there is a little more capability here. two people can do more things than one and may have gone in different directions now. it complicates things for them and in some ways gives them
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additional avenues to find these two and build a case against them. >> personally, my initial reaction watching the press conference, two suspects, this must be some ideologically motivated terrorism we understand terrorism crime. the next thing was columbine was two guys and i don't know what those guys' motive was, halfway between crazy and nonsense. maybe we should call that terrorism but we don't. is there anything about two people rather than one that should lead us to think about it as ideologically driven thing? >> as an investigator they care about ideologically because it might help them know how they operate in the future. i think they're less focused on ideologic ideologically rather than finding them. they want to know why it happened and where it happened and how it happened. i think there is a slightly
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greater chance, again not sure it matters from an investigative point it is ideological with two. you already cited the case with columbine, it doesn't have to be. >> what if anything do you read into the fact that the suspects did what they did in an area people's movements in public are so widely recorded? i'm struck by suspect number two, the friend in the white hat there wearing his hat backwards, a, is so old school as to be not even in school anymore. also, he's not hiding his face. if you have the bill in front of your face you're disguising your face. this is blatantly not trying to. is there any way to tell the difference between blazen and stupid? >> no. and we've been lucky most of our terrorists have been stupid in brazenly tried to execute and evade law enforcement.
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in this case they weren't stupid to some extent. they made the bombs work. the reason it's important most of us were moving this way anyway. without claim of responsibility from an international organization, this was always looking -- this was starting to look more and more like a domestic group or domestic individual. what we still don't know if it was a domestic homegrown in the sense of anarchist anti-government or inspired by al qaeda. i think from an investigative point it doesn't matter all that much but this is obviously something they are trying to figure out. looking at the communications and other things, will help them understand that. >> the possibility that it is domestic but it's also a nonsense crime, a crime that has no discernable motive or none we care about looms as well. from director of any national terrorism center, thank you for being here. you're working long hours these
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days. still ahead, gabby giffords chief of staff here for the interview and then the background on the massive explosion in texas. we have important background on that story ahead. les ve to the way they clean, once you try an oral-b deep sweep power brush, you'll never go back to a regular manual brush. its three cleaning zones with dynamic power bristles reach between teeth with more brush movements to remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular manual brush. and even 76% more plaque than sonicare flexcare in hard to reach areas. oral-b deep sweep 5000 power brush. life opens up when you do. ♪ [ indistinct shouting ] [ male announcer ] time and sales data. split-second stats. [ indistinct shouting ] ♪ it's so close to the options floor...
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whatever it was you felt when the u.s. senate voted against background checks for guns, whatever you felt it pales
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to what gabby giffords felt. i know this because she put it in print. this is what she felt to the amendment yesterday. the words practically cinch your eyeballs when -- singe your eyeballs when you read them they are full of furious disgust. and i looked at the wire on the "new york times." as soon as i got off the wire i posted a link before i left the office. just my link getting to that op-ed online last night got 13,000 hits and counting. gabby giffords chief of staff is here for the interview tonight, somebody i've been looking forward to talking to a long time coming up. resources they need.
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but not all of them. one post world war ii geostrategy from the white house some of that manufactured by the war effort should keep being manufactured after the war for purposes of the peace or at least maintaining the peace in a way that would help our side of the burgeoning cold war against the soviet union. specifically, the explosive ammonium nitrate that had been mufrds duri manufactured in use during wartime for use in bombs. truman decided those should be kept up in peacetime because if you are not using ammonium nitrate for bombs, the other great use for ammonium nitrate was an effective fertilizer. we wo would keep using it after the war, ship it around the world to use as fertilizer and they would feed their people and not be tempted to fall into the sphere of the soviet union in estate of our sphere because we
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were keeping them so well-fed. and the world's supplier of ammonium nitrate for fertilizer. and a french freighter ship ended up sitting in galveston bay, a texas city loaded down with more than 2,000 tons of ammonium nitrate we were going to ship to our ally, france. on board, a sailor tossed a cigarette below deck. it was manufactured as explosive during the war and treated as up by the military and after the war treated as fertilizer by civilians who didn't know better and might not have known it was explosive. this sailor threw a cigarette blow deck and a fire started on galveston bay. all of the city came to see the fire on that ship, thousands of people crowding to the harbor and then the ship exploded in a blast the great texas journalist
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wrote in a book about the explosion characterizes kind of along the lines of nagasaki, between 600 and 800 people were killed instantly. 5,000 people were injured. nearby airplanes were knocked out of the sky. texas city, texas, was nearly wiped off the map. we have a picture of the shaft from the grand camp's engine which ended up way inland clear across the railroad tracks. the 3,000 pound anchor from the ship was thrown across the city, and was the largest industrial accident in the history of the united states and it happened 66 years ago this week. that was the fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, the same fertilizer oklahoma city bomber mixed with fuel oil to create his bomb that blew up the federal building 18 years ago tomorrow in oklahoma city. the galveston bay blast, noted just for context, was about 300 times the size of the bomb in
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oklahoma city. we know fertilizer can be dangerous. it is often made from potentially explosive materials. in the city of west in texas, the fertilizer plant that explode last night had permits for 212,000 gallon tanks of anhydrous ammonia liquid form and can ignite in high temperatures used for makeing fertilizer. the deputy sheriff explained today how the situation inside that plant was made at the facility itself, not just its component parts. that plant is located 1,000 feet from a school, 600 feet from a nursing home. a 50 unit apartment complex is even closer than that or it was closer than that. now, it's mostly destroyed. search and rescue efforts continue right now in the city of west, texas, beyond the city that was out-right destroyed by
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this huge explosion, half the remaining population of the town has been evacuated for fear of tox toxic plumes. the explosion measured as a 2.1 magnitude earthquake. in 2006, it was fined $2,300 for not implementing a risk management plan. they self-reported there was very little risk at their facility. in the past five years only six workplace inspections and the plant that just blew up at west was not one of them. they had no automatic shutoff system, no fire alarms and said they did not need them. this plant burn ed brush pallet in february leading the school to call 911 and advocate all e advocate -- evacuate all the kids. that plant did not bother to tell the school less than 1,000 feet away they would do that controlled burn and the school evacuated and called 911. the school near the plant is now
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destroyed along with most buildings within a half mile radius of that plant. search and rescue efforts continue and the mayor tells the dallas news they have found 8-10 people who have died in the explosion after going through 80% of the devastated areas and expect to find more bodies once they search the fertilizer plant and once they get through the rest of this disaster zone. omni. you know how to mix business... with business. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. and go. you can even take a full-size or above. and still pay the mid-size price. i could get used to this. [ male announcer ] yes, you could business pro. yes, you could. go national. go like a pro.
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federal law says if you are a felon, you are not supposed to be able to buy a gun. if you have a severe mental illness, forgive the phrasing, if a judge has declared you to be mentally defective, you are not supposed to be able to buy a gun in the united states of america. that's the law. you can't tell by looking at someone if a judge has declared a person to be mentally defective. you cannot tell by looking at a person if they are a convicted felon. if you are either of those things, the law says you cannot buy a gun. here is how we check to see if you are a felon or mentally ill before you buy a gun in this country. >> the crew went north to kings port, tennessee to a saturday morning local gun show held in a convention center. it was a smith & wesson mp 45 caliber semi-automatic that first caught our producers eye. asking price, $625.
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>> it's not brand spanking new. >> cash and carry? >> but it's early and the team opts to keep looking. 10 to 20 minutes later, they circle back to the same table, negotiating for the same gun. >> it's a deal. no background check. it's not needed for a private sale. but the serial is legally required to check id like a driver's license, to make sure the buyer is not from out-of-state. in this case, no identification asked for, no paperwork, not even a question like, what are you going to do with it? in fact, neither the seller nor buyereen used a first name. >> that's a cnn reporter named martin savidge, who did a recent
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und undercover reporting and an expended capacity 30 round magazine he bought without filling out a single form, all cash and no paperwork whatsoever without exchanging names of the person the gun was bought from. needless to say they never asked if he was a felon or adjudicated mentally ill or check a database to see if that was the case. the same previously banned weapon used to kill those first graders at sandy hook, the same weapon bushmaster, that purchase took 70 seconds. no paperwork, no names, no questions, no receipt, no background check. that is how we enforce the federal law in this country that says no one can sell you a weapon if you are a felon or seriously mentally ill. that's how we enforce it. the vote yesterday in the senate on the manchin toomey bill was a bill to take one baby step to
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actually enforcing the federal law that says felons and those seriously ill cannot buy guns. and we don't enforce that because cash and carry guns are still legal at gun shows. if this bill passed it would still be legal but they have to do background checks. why do we bother having background checks at gun stores if we do not do it at gun shows or online? why do we not bother with background checks at all if we say you only have to have them at one place to buy guns. that was the great victory for the nra, keeping the loophole open so crazy felons can buy guns without any asking questions. that's what won yesterday. 90% of the countries i against the nra on this but the nra won. what's next? the president said last night i see this as just round one.
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i believe we can get this done sooner or later, we are going to get this right. last night, former congresswoman gabby giffords of arizona wrote a scathing op-ed published in the new york city this morning. the senators who voted against online sales and voted against screening out gun buyers with mental illness failed to do their job. they looked at these most benign and practical of solutions offered by moderates and then looked over their shoulder at the powerful shadowy gun lobby and brought shame on themselves and our government itself by choosing to do nothing. speaking is physically difficult for me but my feelings are clear. i'm furious. i will not rest until we have right the wrong these senators have done. she will be presenting ads
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supporting those who voted for it and lambasting those who did not. >> for americans for responsible solutions and before that, chief of staff for congresswoman gabb supporting something isn't enough to get it through congress, what does? i mean, would 95 support make a difference, would 100% support make a difference? >> yeah, i don't know. we've been talking about that. if the public opinion polling isn't enough reason, despite what i think is the right thing to do, it's a good policy and i think a lot of these senators feel that in their heart, at least the polling should have i think brought them there. so many of them are worried about their re-election and legacies and sort of, you know -- their favorables at home -- we felt this would have done it but apparently not. >> if public opinion doesn't move it, what do you think the other levers are that affect senators' votes on these things and are those things movable? >> yeah, i think just the general outrage that we're
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seeing today and i think that's not going to go away. i think there's really two things at play. most people, you know, your segment there, they think that this is reasonable. when they think about a background check before buying a gun that is not extreme, it doesn't threaten your second amendment rights, and for most people, it seems like a pretty common sense thing to do. so i think there is some anger over there. but on top of that, it's the general disregard for the will of the people that happened yesterday that is actually sort of rare. most of the issues debated in our public policy sphere are more closely contested. and this really wasn't. there was nothing complicated or difficult about yesterday's vote but yet they couldn't do it. >> americans for responsible solutions has not existed for a long time. the nra has been around for a long time. how do you plan to work from here on out to change the minds of or defeat the senators who have been against you on this? >> so we're certainly regrouping a bit but the current plan is, as you said, we're running ads immediately.
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thanking senators landreau, higin, collins and mccain for starters and we'll look at a few more. and also talking to the constituents of the senators that voted no. so we're going to start that immediately. and as gabby said in that op-ed, if we can't make our community safer with the congress we have today, then we're going to do everything we can to change our congress. the second thing is, you know, although on the federal level we had, you know, certainly a setback yesterday, at the state level there is a lot happening. mark was in delaware yesterday, testifying at the state senate there. they passed a background checks today, 13-8. the governors signed into law -- we saw that happen in colorado, new york, oregon is poised to do it. this is happening at the state level if the federal government can't do it. and then third just building this movement. there are, like i said, three-and-a-half months old, but have a couple hundred thousand members so far. >> we have raised millions of dollars and i think there is a sense of really just, you know, a level of frustration that is coming towards us that people just want to help.
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they're just so sick of being told the nra is too powerful and they have too much influence. >> in terms of translating those feelings into political action when somebody becomes a member of americans for responsible solutions, what does that mean? >> well, i mean, their name is listed now among a group of people that want to see moderate gun policy in this country. one that does protect our second amendment rights, doesn't take your guns away, doesn't lead to registration but makes our community safer. and that's sort of what we're up to. mark and gabby are gun owners and westerners and there is nothing extreme about them. so by joining us, you know, we're able to submit names. so, you know, you join us, give us your zip code, we'll tell your member of congress you exist in the world and you want background checks. so -- and then, you know, in the future as we do rallies and year vents, just generally part of our group and willing to add their voice to the mix. >> building a network of activists that did not exist before this fight. executive director of gabrielle giffords' advocacy organization, americans for responsible solutions, thank you for being
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here tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> thanks. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] this is joe woods' first day of work. and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up from busser to waiter to chef before opening a restaurant specializing in fish and game from the great northwest. he'll start investing early, he'll find some good people to help guide him, and he'll set money aside from his first day of work to his last, which isn't rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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it's just common sense. and do you know your... blooa or b positive?? have you eaten today? i had some lebanese food for lunch. i love the lebanese. i... i'm not sure. enough of the formalities... lets get started shall we?
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jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dracula volunteering at a blood drive. we have cookies... get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. america, meet john goss. in 2010, president obama appointed to him a job nobody had before. his entire job is to make sure these guys never make it into the great lakes. his title is asian carp director, and he is charged with making sure this jumpy and invasive species does not migrate into lake michigan and the rest of the great lakes. because these fish do not just jump into boats and around boats, they make their way from waterway to waterway. first they got into the mississippi and then the missouri river and illinois river and so on. whenever they reach a new waterway, asian carp dominate and decimate the native fish
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species by competing for food. they destroy the fishery, can destroy the whole ecosystem. so keeping asian carp out of the great lakes is not only an important job, it's a hard job. you can never be sure you are done with it. which is why today on a landlocked part of the south side of chicago, something that seemed unrelated to the job of keeping asian carp out of the great lakes turned out to not be unrelated at all. giant sinkhole which opened up and swallowed three cars this morning in chicago. that was the third of the three cars. one person was hospitalized with minor injuries. the heavy rain and flooding the city of chicago has received in the last day, half a foot of it all at once, all of that rain could be responsible for that sinkhole. it opened up after a water main broke. a water main that was a cars iron pipe almost 100 years old. it is thought the rain could
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have contributed to the breaking of that pipe, which definitely contributed to that sinkhole. if your car was not swallowed up by a sinkhole on the south side of this chicago this morning, if you made it as far as the highway, you may have been greeted by this. three different chicagoland expressways closed down, completely submerged, under water. overnight flooding also forced the city's water department to open the locks that separate the chicago river from lake michigan. this is something they haven't done in almost two years. they try to avoid doing this because it means allowing millions of gallons of sewage into lake michigan, the area's main source of drinking water. it's not clear when the city will be able to close the locks and stop the sewage-ridden water from flowing into the lake, which, again, happens to be water that people drink. but that brings us back to these guys. our friends, the jumping fish. two-and-a-half years ago, the army corps of engineers finished construction on barricades that run along a 13-mile stretch of the